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Looking for Cat

Posted on Sun Feb 26th, 2017 @ 12:43am by Lady Catherine Waddington

Mission: Another Day in Paradise

Tazanna and Meredith spotted Ferguson Price walking in the corridor. "Hey Fergie!" Meredith called. At 6ft tall she was just 3 inches shorter than he was.

Tazanna rolled her eyes. "I thought you were supposed to be keeping me out of trouble?" Tazanna hissed as she broke into a jog to keep up with the taller woman. "Hello Ferguson." Tazanna said a little awkwardly as they drew level with him.

Ferguson turned to the pair of approaching women and nodded in greeting as he first cast a friendly glance at Tazanna, followed up by a withering stare at Meredith. "Miss Wilcox, Miss Thompson. I trust you are both well today."

"We're fine, thank you." Tazanna, the quieter and shorter of the two women responded softly.

"I was flying top cover but she was not at the rendezvous point." Meredith asked.

Ferguson cast a slightly curious glance at Meredith. "Are you referring to Lady Catherine or...," he gestured to Tazanna and grinned, "...your fellow hooligan here?"

"Taz was present but Cat wasn't. Taz said she got her to the pod but stayed behind to help." Meredith pointed out.

"Ah, yes." Ferguson nodded with an understanding of Meredith's query. "She was transported aboard the USS Zumwalt, while most of the other survivors from the USS Wolves made it aboard the USS Hopper. She assured me she was quite safe under Lieutenant Knight's care." He paused a moment. "Actually I believe the officer was promoted to Lieutenant Commander following our arrival."

"Wolves didn't make it out." Tazanna stated. "Wheres Cat now? Do you know?"

Ferguson gestured in the direction of the residential district. "She is taking some time to collect herself. We have been Suite 4275 in the residential complex. I am sure she would like to see you both."

"Collect herself? She is in multiple pieces?" Meredith asked

Ferguson sighed as he shook his head. "No, she is not in pieces Luftenant. She is trying to center herself for the work to come in the next few weeks." He gave the ladies a dismissive wave. "Now off with you both. I have errands to complete for Lady Catherine."

"Codes?" The twosome asked in unison.

An exasperated Ferguson gave the ladies the four digit code for the lock and stalked off to continue his errands.

The two women chuckled and headed towards the cabin.


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